Travel through time in the vicinity of Guatiza, which lies at the base of the Tenegüime Cliff, declared Protected Landscape in 1994 by the Law of Natural Spaces of the Canary Islands (formerly Natural Space of National Interest).

Nowadays, Guatiza has nothing to do with its former self: in fact, this municipality, historically known for the quality of its chickpeas and cochineal, was not even located in the same place. Historians like Agustín de la Hoz spoke of two Guatizas: the old one, La Santa Margarita, and the current one, in El Cristo de las Aguas. Come a discover the places where each of them lied and the rich history they hold.

The “face” of Guatiza is full of prickly pear cacti farms, where the cochineal is cultivated. The cochineal is an insect from which carmine, an excellent red colourant used to make dyes and food, is extracted; it is also found in grapevines, onions, figs, and corn. In addition to this, history surrounds this place from the volcano to the coast. Come discover the lithophones, a group of natural megaliths, generally phonolites and basalt, which produce astonishing sounds upon being hit; one of them can be found in La Peña de Luis Cabrera.

Get immersed in this place’s cosmogony: discover the petroglyphs, the ancient Libyan-Berber texts carved in stone; come traverse the meadow of Guatiza all the way to the coast till you reach the salt mines, which in the last century were an essential enclave for conserving fish, since ice was not available.

Get blown away by this place and its energy, enjoy its history in every way possible, discover tanks and windmills, the overlooks of Guenia Mountain. This is, without a doubt, one of Lanzarote’s sacred landscapes.

Stones, Cochineal, Lithophones, and Other Legends. Unknown Guatiza.

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