News of interest

Tourism Product Club

It is an initiative of the Secretary of State for Tourism which aims to establish a method to create a tourism product that stands out from others by its location in a selection of territories (the Spanish Biosphere Reserve Network) where it is possible to visit and enjoy the natural heritage developed by human activity and the unique samples of ethnographic heritage.

A place to understand the relationship between people and nature

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Get to know us

We want to provide you with a unique and different touristic experience which eases the sensory understanding of the relationship between man and the landscapes of the BR with both tangible and intangible elements.

It is aimed at tourists interested in visiting and enjoying well preserved landscapes (in which humans have been the protagonists of their creation and preservation) by means of basic and complementary touristic services, the understanding of these landscapes and their evolution at the hands of human activities, and the enjoyment of local products created by activities connected to their most unique heritage.

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News of interest

Turismo activo en el sur de Lanzarote: Los Ajaches

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

Patrimonio arquitectónico de Lanzarote: las caleras

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Fauna terrestre de Lanzarote: aves, reptiles y singulares endemismos

La fauna vertebrada de Lanzarote se caracteriza por la presencia de más de 40 especies de aves nidificantes en la isla. Muy pocas son endémicas de Lanzarote, pero pueden encontrarse a lo largo del territorio insular en los distintos puntos de interés ornitológico. La oficina de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Lanzarote publicó en […]

Gastronomía de Lanzarote: carácter local y tradición

La gastronomía de Canarias es el resultado de la herencia cultural aborigen, que ha dejado un importante legado de productos y elaboraciones identitarias, junto con las influencias recibidas desde el exterior. En Lanzarote, como ocurre en todos los pueblos, la gastronomía es un reflejo de la forma de vida de la población local y de […]

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