We want to provide you with a unique and different touristic experience which eases the sensory understanding of the relationship between man and the landscapes of the BR with both tangible and intangible elements.

It is aimed at tourists interested in visiting and enjoying well preserved landscapes (in which humans have been the protagonists of their creation and preservation) by means of basic and complementary touristic services, the understanding of these landscapes and their evolution at the hands of human activities, and the enjoyment of local products created by activities connected to their most unique heritage.

The products consist of:

  • The best preserved, most unique and of the highest level natural and cultural heritage of each BR.
  • The best public equipment (reception centres, hiking tracks, lookouts, thematic museums).
  • Select private touristic offers (lodging, restaurants, shops, activities).
  • Guide services to interpret the BR’s heritage, supported by the equipment and the local population, who will show its activities.

The product is based on the enjoyment and understanding of the BR’s heritage, and it also allows to approach the rural world to learn about its evolution, and it suggests how to contribute to its sustainable development.

In each BR, the product will address its most unique and distinguishable heritage. Understanding this heritage is the product’s main tool and provides the tourist with an experience, which translates as diverse touristic modalities, from simply using public equipment (such as interpretation centres or rural lodgings), to visiting a local producer connected to the biosphere reserve’s landscape (ranchers, farmers, artisans).


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